MECK Pre-K Blog

MECK Pre-K Blog

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Benefits of pre-k
A lifetime of Confidence starts in pre-K

A lifetime of Confidence starts in pre-K

Have you ever wondered when and how a child’s self-confidence begins to form? You may be fascinated to know that by age 5, children have a sense of self-esteem comparable in strength to that of adults.

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A lifetime of Achievement starts in pre-K

A lifetime of Achievement starts in pre-K

The months of May and June are graduation season in many areas of the country. Graduations are important milestones in a young person’s life, helping them to recognize what they have learned and achieved, and encouraging them that they are ready for a new challenge.

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3 Tips to Prevent Summer Learning Loss in Pre-K Students

3 Tips to Prevent Summer Learning Loss in Pre-K Students

Congratulations, your child has graduated from pre-K, and they are starting kindergarten in the fall! Now you may be wondering, “How can I help them hold on to everything they learned in pre-K over the summer?” Here are a few ideas, including free things to do over the summer.

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Supporting Teachers Helps Children Too

Supporting Teachers Helps Children Too

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, we are celebrating teachers, and the many ways that quality educators impact a child’s life in a positive way. We’re also talking about how high-quality pre-K programs cultivate and support teachers so that they can bring their best selves to the classroom.

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A Lifetime of Literacy Starts with Pre-K Reading

A Lifetime of Literacy Starts with Pre-K Reading

Most of us can remember a time when we curled up with a book as a child. We might have gotten lost in the story, not realizing how much time had passed.

But what about today’s young children? With videogames, streaming television, and other distractions, it may seem like an uphill battle to get them away from screens and into reading. But there’s good news: high-quality pre-K programs offer lots of opportunities for children to develop their reading skills in a fun and stimulating way. With well-trained teachers, age-appropriate books, and an engaging curriculum, children in pre-K develop literacy skills and confidence that can lead to a lifetime of reading for learning and enjoyment.

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Early education benefits everyone in your community

Early education benefits everyone in your community

You may wonder, “Why does early education matter to me?” For those of us without a child under the age of five, pre-K may seem like a distant concept that doesn’t affect us very much. However, it turns out, a high quality early education benefits everyone in a community, not just young children and their families!

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Kindergarten Readiness Starts in Pre-K

Kindergarten Readiness Starts in Pre-K

You may wonder, “Why should I send my child to pre-K? Why not just wait for kindergarten?” In this blog post, we will explain why pre-K matters, address some of your questions, and provide research and examples.

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Why Pre-K Matters

Why Pre-K Matters

You may wonder, “Why should I send my child to pre-K? Why not just wait for kindergarten?” In this blog post, we will explain why pre-K matters, address some of your questions, and provide research and examples.

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Celebrating 6 years of MECK Pre-K

Celebrating 6 years of MECK Pre-K

January 2024 marks the midpoint of MECK Pre-K’s sixth year in operation. Launched in 2018, MECK Pre-K is a high-quality pre-K education open to all four-year-old children in Mecklenburg County at no cost to families. As MECK Pre-K enters its sixth year, let’s look back at some key milestones, and look forward to the 2024-2025 school year!

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How the MECK Pre-K Curriculum Works for Teachers & Families

How the MECK Pre-K Curriculum Works for Teachers & Families

Have you ever wondered how pre-K teachers keep a classroom full of young children engaged for an entire school day? Do you feel exhausted just thinking about it? Well, fortunately, high-quality pre-K programs follow a specific curriculum that is designed to keep children engaged and learning all day, while leaving room for social time, play and discovery.

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How MECK Pre-K Supports Families

How MECK Pre-K Supports Families

A high-quality pre-K program treats children like whole people, not just students who come and go from the classroom each day. Learning and growth happen all the time, whether children are at school, at home, on the playground or elsewhere. That’s why many pre-K programs offer support for families and students both inside and outside of the classroom.

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Open Ended Play: What is Open Ended Play?

Open Ended Play: What is Open Ended Play?

Open-ended play occurs when kids play independently by examining and manipulating materials without a specific goal, set of instructions, or adult direction.
Unlike structured play, which typically involves an adult establishing predetermined rules and objectives, open-ended play has no clear endpoint or predetermined outcomes.

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In Person vs Online Pre-K: Which Is Better?

In Person vs Online Pre-K: Which Is Better?

With the rise of online learning, parents face a dilemma, which type of education is right for their child – online pre-K or in-person?
While some educators believe online learning can be an effective alternative to in-person schooling, other educational experts strongly disagree, arguing that nothing can replace the benefits of face-to-face interaction.

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How Many Hours Is Pre-K A Day? A Complete Guide

How Many Hours Is Pre-K A Day? A Complete Guide

So, how many hours does a pre-K day last? Pre-K programs vary, and may have different lengths. While some programs last a half day or about three to four hours, others have full-day options to accommodate children and parents.

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Preschool Graduation Tips & Tricks

Preschool Graduation Tips & Tricks

The transition from preschool to kindergarten is a major milestone for children. Your child learns valuable skills all year long and has every reason to smile. Now’s your chance to reinforce their love of learning with a preschool graduation party.

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Benefits of Pre-K for Your Child

Benefits of Pre-K for Your Child

It can be tough to decide whether to enroll your child in pre-k when they are only 3 or 4 years old. Yet, research has shown that children build a strong foundation in social, pre-academic, and general life skills during preschool.

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Preschool vs. Pre-Kindergarten: Similarities and Differences

Preschool vs. Pre-Kindergarten: Similarities and Differences

Every child deserves a high-quality early childhood education. This may include both preschool and pre-kindergarten. There are some misconceptions out there concerning these two programs — namely that they’re the same thing. That’s why we’re going to compare preschool and pre-K, and discuss their many differences and similarities.

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The Top Traits of an Exceptional Pre-K Teacher

The Top Traits of an Exceptional Pre-K Teacher

As a parent, you want to know your child is in good hands. That’s why we at MECK Pre-K are committed to hiring qualified teachers and assistant teachers in all of our schools. Learn more about what to expect from your child’s pre-K teacher and assistant teacher before the school year begins.

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Everything You Need to Know for Pre-K Enrollment

Everything You Need to Know for Pre-K Enrollment

Pre-K is a major component of a great early childhood education. This program helps prepare children for the social and academic challenges ahead in kindergarten and all their schooling to come. Given the importance of pre-K, many parents experience stress about whether or not their child is ready, or how to enroll. We’re here to help by answering all of these questions!

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What Age Is Pre-K?

What Age Is Pre-K?

The average age of a child entering pre-K in the US is between three and four, but typically pre-K starts at age four. Programs that accept children at younger ages may be categorized as preschools, not pre-K.

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How to Find a Free Pre-K Near You

How to Find a Free Pre-K Near You

Believe it or not, pre-k programs aren’t all free of charge. Certain programs are limited based on income requirements, while others vary by state. Here are a few things to know as you search for free pre-K options in your area.

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A Pre-K Education Starts With the Right Curriculum

A Pre-K Education Starts With the Right Curriculum

The key difference between preschool and daycare is the pre-K curriculum. A curriculum is what educators intend to teach their students over the course of a semester or school year. A preschool curriculum should encourage learning and growth in a number of areas to prepare children for kindergarten. This includes their literacy abilities, social skills, attitude toward learning, and much more.

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What Is The Difference Between Preschool and Pre-K?

What Is The Difference Between Preschool and Pre-K?

In this post, we’ll answer the question, “What is the difference between preschool and pre-K?” and explain the importance of a pre-K program for your children. Research shows that a high-quality pre-K program benefits children not only throughout their education but even during adulthood.

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Is Pre-K Better than Keeping My Child at Home?

Is Pre-K Better than Keeping My Child at Home?

As a parent, you want the best for your child and will do anything to ensure they have an excellent education. But you may be wondering whether you should send them to pre-K or whether you should homeschool them instead. It’s a difficult question, and you will be searching for some detailed answers.

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How Important Is Pre-K to Childhood Development?

How Important Is Pre-K to Childhood Development?

Pre-K is a classroom-based education designed to help children build social, physical, emotional, and cognitive skills. At the same time, it introduces classroom learning so that children are familiar with the process when they get to kindergarten.

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Is Pre-K Really Worth It?

Is Pre-K Really Worth It?

Pre-kindergarten is an optional program that parents can enroll their children in, usually at age four and during the school year preceding kindergarten. Many parents opt to have their kids skip pre-k entirely, usually in an effort to save money. 

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