MECK Pre-K Blog

MECK Pre-K Blog

Welcome to the MECK Pre-K Blog.
Check back regularly for relevant information on MECK Pre-K and Early Education.

How Pre-K Programs Boost Economic Mobility in Charlotte

How Pre-K Programs Boost Economic Mobility in Charlotte

Economic mobility has been improving in Charlotte, according to a recently updated study by Opportunity Insights, the Harvard University-based research group led by Dr. Raj Chetty. Economic mobility is the ability of children from low-income families to improve their economic status over time.

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How to Find a High-Quality Pre-K Program

How to Find a High-Quality Pre-K Program

Congratulations, your child is four years old! It’s an exciting time, and you may feel like the time has flown by. Just yesterday, they were learning to talk and taking their first steps. Now they’re ready to debate with you at the breakfast table about which cereal is the best.

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The center application process explained

The center application process explained

When you are choosing a pre-K program for your child, a big part of your decision is probably based on the childcare center itself. It’s important to know that your child is in a safe, nurturing, healthy environment that is in a good location for your family.

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A lifetime of Confidence starts in pre-K

A lifetime of Confidence starts in pre-K

Have you ever wondered when and how a child’s self-confidence begins to form? You may be fascinated to know that by age 5, children have a sense of self-esteem comparable in strength to that of adults.

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A lifetime of Achievement starts in pre-K

A lifetime of Achievement starts in pre-K

The months of May and June are graduation season in many areas of the country. Graduations are important milestones in a young person’s life, helping them to recognize what they have learned and achieved, and encouraging them that they are ready for a new challenge.

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3 Tips to Prevent Summer Learning Loss in Pre-K Students

3 Tips to Prevent Summer Learning Loss in Pre-K Students

Congratulations, your child has graduated from pre-K, and they are starting kindergarten in the fall! Now you may be wondering, “How can I help them hold on to everything they learned in pre-K over the summer?” Here are a few ideas, including free things to do over the summer.

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Supporting Teachers Helps Children Too

Supporting Teachers Helps Children Too

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, we are celebrating teachers, and the many ways that quality educators impact a child’s life in a positive way. We’re also talking about how high-quality pre-K programs cultivate and support teachers so that they can bring their best selves to the classroom.

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A Lifetime of Literacy Starts with Pre-K Reading

A Lifetime of Literacy Starts with Pre-K Reading

Most of us can remember a time when we curled up with a book as a child. We might have gotten lost in the story, not realizing how much time had passed.

But what about today’s young children? With videogames, streaming television, and other distractions, it may seem like an uphill battle to get them away from screens and into reading. But there’s good news: high-quality pre-K programs offer lots of opportunities for children to develop their reading skills in a fun and stimulating way. With well-trained teachers, age-appropriate books, and an engaging curriculum, children in pre-K develop literacy skills and confidence that can lead to a lifetime of reading for learning and enjoyment.

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How a Pre-K Classroom is Set Up to Encourage Learning

How a Pre-K Classroom is Set Up to Encourage Learning

Have you ever walked into a pre-K classroom? You might see colorful decorations on the walls, child-sized furniture, and maybe even dress-up clothes. You might think, “this is cute.” But there is so much more that goes into the design of a pre-K classroom! A high-quality pre-K program will follow best practices based in the latest pre-K research to create an environment for learning and growth. Let’s break down some of the elements that go into designing a pre-K classroom.

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A Lifetime of Discovery Starts in Pre-K

A Lifetime of Discovery Starts in Pre-K

MECK Pre-K students spend each day learning, practicing real life skills and expanding their knowledge. Teachers are trained to follow a child’s interests, build on previous knowledge, and provide real world experience based on that knowledge.

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What to Expect at a Pre-K Parent-Teacher Conference

What to Expect at a Pre-K Parent-Teacher Conference

You may be surprised to know that pre-K teachers hold parent-teacher conferences, just like teachers in older grades! The main difference between an elementary and pre-K parent-teacher conference is the developmental age of the child. Children in pre-K are developing skills that will be used later in elementary school. So the topics you discuss with their teachers will focus more on pre-K skills and development.

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Early education benefits everyone in your community

Early education benefits everyone in your community

You may wonder, “Why does early education matter to me?” For those of us without a child under the age of five, pre-K may seem like a distant concept that doesn’t affect us very much. However, it turns out, a high quality early education benefits everyone in a community, not just young children and their families!

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Kindergarten Readiness Starts in Pre-K

Kindergarten Readiness Starts in Pre-K

You may wonder, “Why should I send my child to pre-K? Why not just wait for kindergarten?” In this blog post, we will explain why pre-K matters, address some of your questions, and provide research and examples.

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Why Pre-K Matters

Why Pre-K Matters

You may wonder, “Why should I send my child to pre-K? Why not just wait for kindergarten?” In this blog post, we will explain why pre-K matters, address some of your questions, and provide research and examples.

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Celebrating 6 years of MECK Pre-K

Celebrating 6 years of MECK Pre-K

January 2024 marks the midpoint of MECK Pre-K’s sixth year in operation. Launched in 2018, MECK Pre-K is a high-quality pre-K education open to all four-year-old children in Mecklenburg County at no cost to families. As MECK Pre-K enters its sixth year, let’s look back at some key milestones, and look forward to the 2024-2025 school year!

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Get Ready for Pre-K Enrollment

Get Ready for Pre-K Enrollment

When your child is small, every little discovery is a learning opportunity to them. First, they discover their toes; then the bigger world around them. Then they start understanding your words and exploring their surroundings. Every child is different, and their learning journey is unique. But at some point, many parents may begin to wonder, “What’s next? Should I enroll my child in pre-K?” and, “Where do I start?”

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How the MECK Pre-K Curriculum Works for Teachers & Families

How the MECK Pre-K Curriculum Works for Teachers & Families

Have you ever wondered how pre-K teachers keep a classroom full of young children engaged for an entire school day? Do you feel exhausted just thinking about it? Well, fortunately, high-quality pre-K programs follow a specific curriculum that is designed to keep children engaged and learning all day, while leaving room for social time, play and discovery.

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How MECK Pre-K Supports Families

How MECK Pre-K Supports Families

A high-quality pre-K program treats children like whole people, not just students who come and go from the classroom each day. Learning and growth happen all the time, whether children are at school, at home, on the playground or elsewhere. That’s why many pre-K programs offer support for families and students both inside and outside of the classroom.

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A Day in the Life of a MECK Pre-K Teacher

A Day in the Life of a MECK Pre-K Teacher

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a MECK Pre-K teacher? We went into classrooms to interview a few of our teachers and got the inside scoop on what they love best about teaching pre-K classes at MECK Pre-K!

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Overview of Public Pre-K in Mecklenburg County

Overview of Public Pre-K in Mecklenburg County

MECK Pre-K is one of three public pre-k programs available in Mecklenburg County. In order to ensure that all families in Mecklenburg County have the information they need to choose the best program for their children, we are providing a quick overview of the three programs, what they offer, and how they may be similar and different.

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How MECK Pre-K Measures your Child’s Growth in pre-K

How MECK Pre-K Measures your Child’s Growth in pre-K

There are many ways to observe a child’s growth during the pre-K years. So much is happening for them intellectually, socially and emotionally, it’s almost like seeing a new child emerge every day! As they mature, a pre-K student may develop a broader vocabulary, begin to understand basic math, become more observant about the world around them, make friends, learn problem-solving skills, and so much more.

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MECK Pre-K: Elevating Mecklenburg’s Economic Mobility

MECK Pre-K: Elevating Mecklenburg’s Economic Mobility

MECK Pre-K was founded in 2018 with the goal of providing high quality free pre-K education open to all four-year-old children in Mecklenburg County. In the ensuing five years, the program expanded to include 105 classrooms at 47 childcare centers.

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How to Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem & Confidence

How to Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem & Confidence

Kids need us to know we are their biggest fans. And just telling them isn’t enough to build the self-confidence they require to become the person they’re meant to be.
Understanding how to build your child’s self-esteem sets them up for long-term success.

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When Should I Apply for Preschool?

When Should I Apply for Preschool?

The importance of pre-K (a school-year long program that takes place immediately before a child’s Kindergarten year) to childhood development cannot be overstated. Attending pre-K helps children gain confidence and self-esteem. It helps them get accustomed to school routines. It teaches them how to communicate with teachers and peers. It lights up pathways in the brain that will be absolutely essential to later learning.

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Teaching Children to Read: Follow These Steps

Teaching Children to Read: Follow These Steps

Are you looking for fun and impactful ways to help you teach your child to read? This guide is designed specifically for new parents like you seeking ways to support their children’s early literacy development.

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Open Ended Play: What is Open Ended Play?

Open Ended Play: What is Open Ended Play?

Open-ended play occurs when kids play independently by examining and manipulating materials without a specific goal, set of instructions, or adult direction.
Unlike structured play, which typically involves an adult establishing predetermined rules and objectives, open-ended play has no clear endpoint or predetermined outcomes.

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