MECK Pre-K Blog
MECK Pre-K Blog
Welcome to the MECK Pre-K Blog.
Check back regularly for relevant information on MECK Pre-K and Early Education.
How Children Learn Math and Science in Pre-K
In the early childhood classroom, these subjects aren’t just lessons on numbers and formulas—they’re new languages for young learners to speak, each with its own vocabulary, structure, and rules. And just like with literacy, they learn these “languages” alongside the foundational skills of reading and writing.
Curiosity is the spark that drives learning, and the journey of exploration starts early—right in pre-K. At MECK Pre-K, we know early childhood education is about more than checking off developmental milestones. It’s about fostering a sense of wonder and excitement about the world around us.
How Children Develop Social and Emotional Skills in Pre-K
For children to experience the thrive in structured educational settings, they must cultivate self-regulation—the ability to manage their emotions, behaviors, and reactions in various situations. This skill enables them to focus, persist through challenges, and engage positively with peers and educators.
Equally important is the capacity to identify and label their own feelings, which empowers them to express emotions appropriately and develop empathy toward others. Recognizing and responding to the emotions of those who may look, act, or believe differently fosters inclusivity and respect.
Benefits of In-Person Pre-K
As a parent, you’re always looking for the best ways to support your child’s growth and prepare them for success. One big decision is whether to send your child to pre-K or keep them at home. While homeschooling offers some flexibility, research consistently shows that high-quality in-person pre-K programs provide significant benefits for children. Here are five reasons why enrolling your child in pre-K might be the best choice for their development.
Thinking About Pre-K? Here’s What You Need to Apply
Is your little one ready for pre-K? If you are looking at public programs like MECK Pre-K in Mecklenburg County, a high-quality program that is available at no cost to families, you may have some questions. Is your child eligible? What documents are needed for the application? How can you prepare? Whether you’re applying for MECK Pre-K or a similar high-quality public pre-K program elsewhere, we’ve got you covered with the essentials.
The Importance of Behavioral Health Support in Pre-K
Today’s families face many challenges, such as economic pressures, social instability, and health concerns. As a result, the mental and emotional well-being of parents has become a public health issue that can significantly impact the development of young children.
A Lifetime of Friendships Start in Pre-K
For many children, pre-K is more than just the first step in their educational journey—it’s also where some of their earliest friendships begin. With an enriched curriculum and a focus on experiential learning, high-quality pre-K programs are designed to support children in all areas of development, including the crucial skills needed for building relationships and navigating social situations.
Building an Enhanced Curriculum for Young Learners
A high-quality pre-K program needs a strong curriculum that teachers can use and build upon as they interact with students in the classroom.
MECK Pre-K’s curriculum is based on The Creative Curriculum®, a research-based framework emphasizing hands-on learning, exploration, and discovery. Teachers use this curriculum and integrate additional strategies tailored to the needs of their students, designed to develop critical thinking skills and foster social-emotional growth. Combined, these elements make up the MECK Pre-K enhanced curriculum.
Community Outreach & MECK Pre-K
Outreach is a cornerstone for the success of a public pre-K program like MECK Pre-K. Outreach ensures equitable access, builds community trust, and maximizes program impact. Here are a few reasons why pre-K programs do outreach.
The Lasting Effects of Pre-K
We know that pre-K programs, especially those with an enriched curriculum and experiential learning, can help children in many areas, including social-emotional learning, character building, and school readiness.
But what do families say? We recently invited a family back to tell us what they have seen since their child graduated from the first year of MECK Pre-K.
The MECK Pre-K Teacher Hiring Process
You may have wondered, “How does MECK Pre-K find high quality educators?” You may have even considered a career in early education yourself. In either case, we’d like to give you the inside scoop on how dedicated teachers come to MECK Pre-K.
What is the Pre-K Screening Process?
How can you know if your four-year-old is developing the knowledge and skills in pre-K that they will need when they enter kindergarten? If you are enrolled in a high quality pre-K program, your child will go through a screening process.
MECK Pre-K uses the BRIGANCE Early Childhood screening tool, which uses observation, interviews, and child performance to pinpoint understanding in the domains tied to early development and school or kindergarten readiness.
How Pre-K Programs Support Social & Emotional Development
Have you ever watched a group of young children play together? While it may seem like they are just goofing around, they are actually developing social and emotional skills that are the building blocks for how they will relate to others throughout their entire lives. This is a fascinating time in a child’s development, and we have learned a lot about how children develop at this stage. Here are a few fun facts about social development in pre-K aged children.
Why It’s Important for Your Child to Attend School Every Day
You’ve probably heard about the many benefits of attending pre-K, from the curriculum, to the social and emotional development, to the literacy skills they develop, and the growth you can see in your child. But you may have also wondered, “Do they really need to go every day?”
MECK Pre-K’s Approach to Child Development and Family Support
If you’re reading this blog, you are probably familiar with some of the benefits of pre-K. A high-quality pre-K program provides learning and exploration, with hands-on, project-based teaching that incorporates real life experiences into the learning process. However, as we know, there is more to a child’s development than what happens in the classroom. High-quality pre-K programs recognize that students and their families need support both inside and outside of school.
How Attending Pre-K Can Also Benefit Siblings
If you have a sibling, or your child has a sibling, you know how much one child’s behavior can impact another’s. Whether it is through play, mimicking each other, or managing conflicts, siblings have a strong influence. So, it’s no surprise that, when one child attends pre-K, their siblings can also benefit from the experience!
How Pre-K Programs Boost Economic Mobility in Charlotte
Economic mobility has been improving in Charlotte, according to a recently updated study by Opportunity Insights, the Harvard University-based research group led by Dr. Raj Chetty. Economic mobility is the ability of children from low-income families to improve their economic status over time.
How to Find a High-Quality Pre-K Program
Congratulations, your child is four years old! It’s an exciting time, and you may feel like the time has flown by. Just yesterday, they were learning to talk and taking their first steps. Now they’re ready to debate with you at the breakfast table about which cereal is the best.
The Center Application Process Explained
When you are choosing a pre-K program for your child, a big part of your decision is probably based on the childcare center itself. It’s important to know that your child is in a safe, nurturing, healthy environment that is in a good location for your family.
A Lifetime of Confidence Starts in Pre-K
Have you ever wondered when and how a child’s self-confidence begins to form? You may be fascinated to know that by age 5, children have a sense of self-esteem comparable in strength to that of adults.
A Lifetime of Achievement Starts in Pre-K
The months of May and June are graduation season in many areas of the country. Graduations are important milestones in a young person’s life, helping them to recognize what they have learned and achieved, and encouraging them that they are ready for a new challenge.
3 Tips to Prevent Summer Learning Loss in Pre-K Students
Congratulations, your child has graduated from pre-K, and they are starting kindergarten in the fall! Now you may be wondering, “How can I help them hold on to everything they learned in pre-K over the summer?” Here are a few ideas, including free things to do over the summer.
Supporting Teachers Helps Children Too
In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, we are celebrating teachers, and the many ways that quality educators impact a child’s life in a positive way. We’re also talking about how high-quality pre-K programs cultivate and support teachers so that they can bring their best selves to the classroom.
A Lifetime of Literacy Starts with Pre-K Reading
Most of us can remember a time when we curled up with a book as a child. We might have gotten lost in the story, not realizing how much time had passed.
But what about today’s young children? With videogames, streaming television, and other distractions, it may seem like an uphill battle to get them away from screens and into reading. But there’s good news: high-quality pre-K programs offer lots of opportunities for children to develop their reading skills in a fun and stimulating way. With well-trained teachers, age-appropriate books, and an engaging curriculum, children in pre-K develop literacy skills and confidence that can lead to a lifetime of reading for learning and enjoyment.
How a Pre-K Classroom is Set Up to Encourage Learning
Have you ever walked into a pre-K classroom? You might see colorful decorations on the walls, child-sized furniture, and maybe even dress-up clothes. You might think, “this is cute.” But there is so much more that goes into the design of a pre-K classroom! A high-quality pre-K program will follow best practices based in the latest pre-K research to create an environment for learning and growth. Let’s break down some of the elements that go into designing a pre-K classroom.
A Lifetime of Discovery Starts in Pre-K
MECK Pre-K students spend each day learning, practicing real life skills and expanding their knowledge. Teachers are trained to follow a child’s interests, build on previous knowledge, and provide real world experience based on that knowledge.
What to Expect at a Pre-K Parent-Teacher Conference
You may be surprised to know that pre-K teachers hold parent-teacher conferences, just like teachers in older grades! The main difference between an elementary and pre-K parent-teacher conference is the developmental age of the child. Children in pre-K are developing skills that will be used later in elementary school. So the topics you discuss with their teachers will focus more on pre-K skills and development.
Early education benefits everyone in your community
You may wonder, “Why does early education matter to me?” For those of us without a child under the age of five, pre-K may seem like a distant concept that doesn’t affect us very much. However, it turns out, a high quality early education benefits everyone in a community, not just young children and their families!
Kindergarten Readiness Starts in Pre-K
You may wonder, “Why should I send my child to pre-K? Why not just wait for kindergarten?” In this blog post, we will explain why pre-K matters, address some of your questions, and provide research and examples.
Why Pre-K Matters
You may wonder, “Why should I send my child to pre-K? Why not just wait for kindergarten?” In this blog post, we will explain why pre-K matters, address some of your questions, and provide research and examples.
A Day in the Life of a MECK Pre-K Student
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a MECK Pre-K student? We have asked our students and their parents/caregivers for the inside scoop, and here’s what they had to say!