MECK Pre-K Blog

MECK Pre-K Blog

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Navigating the Pre-K Admissions Process

Navigating the Pre-K Admissions Process

Once upon a time, it seems, parents didn’t have to think about lining up schooling for their children for the first few years. Today, parents are researching, contacting, and applying to programs mere months after their child’s birth. Understanding the pre-kindergarten admissions process for one’s child can be daunting. That’s why we’ve put together this primer.

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A Pre-K Education Starts With the Right Curriculum

A Pre-K Education Starts With the Right Curriculum

The key difference between pre-k and daycare is the pre-K curriculum. A curriculum is what educators intend to teach their students over the course of a semester or school year. A pre-k curriculum should encourage learning and growth in a number of areas to prepare children for kindergarten. This includes their literacy abilities, social skills, attitude toward learning, and much more.

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How Do I Know Which Public Pre-K Option Is Best for Me?

How Do I Know Which Public Pre-K Option Is Best for Me?

The pre-K years for children are a vital time for their emotional, cognitive, and social development. It is where they make decisions, socialize, interact with others, and develop their speech, motor, and sensory skills. Attending a high-quality education program at this level can set children up for academic success in the future. This is why it is important to make an informed decision on which public pre-K to send your child to.

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When Should I Start Thinking About Pre-K?

When Should I Start Thinking About Pre-K?

It’s never too early to start thinking about your child’s pre-K options. However, you shouldn’t enroll them until they’re the appropriate age and have the minimum skills they need to adjust to a pre-K environment.

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What Is The Difference Between Preschool and Pre-K?

What Is The Difference Between Preschool and Pre-K?

In this post, we’ll answer the question, “What is the difference between preschool and pre-K?” and explain the importance of a pre-K program for your children. Research shows that a high-quality pre-K program benefits children not only throughout their education but even during adulthood.

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What Should I Know Before Enrolling My Child in a Pre-K Program?

What Should I Know Before Enrolling My Child in a Pre-K Program?

Parents have a limited time to decide on a pre-K program and enroll a child. They can prepare in advance by knowing their options and gathering supporting documents to accompany their application. When parents have what is needed for pre-K enrollment, the process goes more smoothly!

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Is Pre-K Better than Keeping My Child at Home?

Is Pre-K Better than Keeping My Child at Home?

As a parent, you want the best for your child and will do anything to ensure they have an excellent education. But you may be wondering whether you should send them to pre-K or whether you should homeschool them instead. It’s a difficult question, and you will be searching for some detailed answers.

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How Important Is Pre-K to Childhood Development?

How Important Is Pre-K to Childhood Development?

Pre-K is a classroom-based education designed to help children build social, physical, emotional, and cognitive skills. At the same time, it introduces classroom learning so that children are familiar with the process when they get to kindergarten.

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Top Reasons Your Child Should Attend Pre-K

Top Reasons Your Child Should Attend Pre-K

Are you uncertain about whether or not to enroll your child in a pre-k program? To help you make an informed decision that you can feel confident about, we’ve created a list of the top reasons your child should attend pre-k.

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What is the Cost Savings of Public Pre-K?

What is the Cost Savings of Public Pre-K?

Early childhood education is a critical part of a child’s academic, mental, emotional, and social development. Early childhood education also encourages children to communicate, create, cooperate, and think critically, which are important skills to help them succeed in life as they get older.

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What Do Children Need to Know Before Starting Kindergarten?

What Do Children Need to Know Before Starting Kindergarten?

Kindergarten is an exciting time for families across the country. It’s a massive step for any child, as they’ll be away from their parents longer than ever before. They are developing skills and learning new concepts at a faster pace than they did at home.

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New Study on the Benefits of Early Education

New Study on the Benefits of Early Education

This summer, the Becker Friedman Institute released a new study about the benefits of early education. The paper studies benefits among participants in a high-quality early childhood education program…

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Is Pre-K Really Worth It?

Is Pre-K Really Worth It?

Pre-kindergarten is an optional program that parents can enroll their children in, usually at age four and during the school year preceding kindergarten. Many parents opt to have their kids skip pre-k entirely, usually in an effort to save money. 

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What Do Children Learn in Pre-K?

What Do Children Learn in Pre-K?

Pre-k offers children many new opportunities for learning and friendship. Meeting other kids and making friends is part of the fun, though they also develop some practical skills…

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Is Pre-K required?

Is Pre-K required?

In brief, the answer is no in the state of North Carolina. Pre-kindergarten in the US usually starts at age four or five, though the education requirements vary by state. Even though our state doesn’t require pre-k enrollment…

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