MECK Pre-K Site Application
MECK Pre-K Site Application
Dear Child Care Program Partner,
Are you interested in having a new MECK Pre-K classroom at your facility for the 2025-2026 school year? MECK Pre-K is part of our continued plan to expand pre-kindergarten to all Mecklenburg four-year-olds. It is an incredible opportunity to provide a free high quality educational experience for all children in Mecklenburg County in order to prepare them for kindergarten and school success.
We are now accepting applications from all star licensed childcare centers in Mecklenburg County that are interested in becoming MECK Pre-K sites for the 2025-2026 school year.
First tier for consideration will be the sites located in our highest need areas 28212, 28213, 28214, 28216, 28217, 28269, 28273, 28278.
Second tier for consideration will be the sites located at 28078, 28134, 28215, 28226, 28262.
Feel free to apply even If your site is not located in one of the above zip codes.
Information Session Video
Site application forms are available using the green button link at the bottom of this page. Two copies of the completed application and documents are due by October 25, 2024, no later than 4:00 pm (MECK Pre-K Program, 601 E. 5th Street, Charlotte, NC 28202)
Please note that in order to be considered for a MECK Pre-K classroom, your site must adhere to the following steps:
Step 1: Hold a star rated license (temporary, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) in Mecklenburg County.
Step 2: Have a 90% or higher compliance history (no violations for child/staff ratio, supervision and child maltreatment).
Step 3: Guarantee to adhere to MECK Pre-K Policies.
Step 4: Guarantee to operate a MECK Pre-K classroom for 6.5 hours, 10 months and follow CMS school calendar.
Step 5: Offer a classroom licensed for a minimum of 20 children, closed room with a restroom and sink.
Step 6: Have at least one floater at site.
Step 7: Guarantee to have a Site Administrator on-site to monitor the MECK Pre-K program during the MECK Pre-K hours of operation (Site Administrator must hold a Principal License or Level III NC Early Childhood Administrator Credential).
Thank you in advance for your interest in partnering with us to implement this exciting Pre-K program for the County’s four-year-olds.
MECK Pre-K Leadership Team